Paradise - Here I come!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Xmas in Thailand

Spending Christmas in Thailand was a blast. I really recommend it to anyone who can afford it. A flight from Paris will cost you around 600 Euros if you are flying on a Gulf airline (Emirates, Gulf Air, Etihad, Qatar Airways) with a stop in the Gulf and 800 Euros if you fly direct with Thai Airways. Direct flight lasts around 11 hours, twice 6 hours with a stop.

Accommodation in Thailand ranges from very cheap (10 Euros for a double room) to very expensive (any 5 stars hotel you can find in Europe). Food is excellent and you can find a wide range of different cuisines (which was not the case in India for instance). That is I ate in an Israeli restaurant, in an Italian one and of course visited many times Burger King and Mc Donald's (don't comment on that, I know I am a bad tourist on that respect; and I also know it is not healthy, but he what can I do?).

I did not find Bangkok being a breathtaking city. I do think (my opinion) 3 days in Bangkok is already long. I spent 2 (full) days there and I think I saw most of the key spots the city offers. The Grand Palace is full of tourists (even though we went there at 8 am) but it is really a must-see. "Lying Buddah" or Wo Tao or however they call it was the most impressive and beautiful thing I saw in Bangkok. "Historical/Cultural sites" like these two are all situated in the same area so you can easily walk from a spot to another. Shopping you can do at MBK (I went several times). In Kao San, you can shop and have a drink: real backpackers' temple. Chinatown: you have to go there just to see how good you are with orientation and not getting lost or being walked over... lol

For the beaches: 2 possibilities: East or West. East is where I went: Koh Samui, Koh Pan Nangh (not really good with spelling) are the most famous islands there. West: Phuket and Koh Phi Phi which were touched by the tsunami, although I think it is now as good as before. Some places are very quiet and still wild but where I went: lots of bars, clubs, restaurants, street shops, bungalows, cafes, massages parlours, and lady boys. What would be Thailand without lady boys? lol Guys, be really careful, a lot of them do actually look like real women and are quite attractive, have everything like a woman, but... used to be boys, which I find really scary. However it is totally accepted there and noone is pointing at them.

Lots of activities are awaiting you there: water sports, snorkling, diving, clubs, bars, shopping...
I went there with a very small suitcase and came back with it + a second one and my big backpacker's backpack (we were 2 people). So I would advise you not to take many clothes when you get there. Well, at least your favourite dress, skirt, top or jeans whatever but you really can buy anything for really cheap in Thailand. I bought lots of summer tops, handbags, flip flops, summer pants. Everything is available for the European tourist whose suit case got lost in the transfer. So do not worry about it.

Someone asked me about mosquitos: not that many I would say. These awful little things love my blood and usually I get attacked many times on every inch of my body... lol Did not happened in Thailand. Depends on the season I guess, but there abolutely no threat in December.

Hope you enjoyed my blog.
I am planing to go somewhere on the globe in May-June, maybe in South America. If anyone is free, has the resources and the motivation to enjoy a backpacker's life for 2 months, let me know.

Food hall: un plaisir!

You guys know how much I cherish food. Here is a selection of Pad Thai, Sea food, Thai food. Let's not forget Mc Donald's: my favourite restaurant on the planet. ;)

Stop in Abu Dhabi near my beloved Dubai...

At the airport: bye bye Thailand... sniff!

Bangkok has a brand new airport.
Monica Belluci for Dior...

Good bye Bangkok

In a five stars hotel in Bangkok...

Ugly shoes

They were everywhere and especially on every Israeli foot. Why? I still wonder. They are so UGLY! but that seems to be very fashionable in Thailand... ;)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Back in Bangkok: I love shopping in MBK!

Night is just starting...

Lovely hotels...

Morning of the 24th: breakfast by the beach...

Ko Samui oui oui oui!

Big Buddah!

Like mother, like daughter

What are you doing little monkey? And you there behind me? Ooooh yes! I am a star!

Jungle Boogie

In the heart of Ko Samui...

Meet Grandpa...

I did not invent anything... that is how they call it. There is Grandma as well, but I did not get the chance to meet her! What a shame!

L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé

Thai beers
Vodka buckets

Waiting for our taxi...

... boat taxi on our way to Chinatown

In the Grand Palace 3

My mom is cool

She is very good with catching up languages! Look

at that: she is saying... Well, she does just like the Japanese!

In the Grand Palace 2

In the Grand Palace

I've got the Middas touch!

Everything I touch turns to gold...

Maybe not mess with them either...

I thought these guards in the Grand Palace were amazing! Look at them: massive and impressive!

Mmmm better not mess with them...

Spéciale Dédicace

Un grand merci à Edouard sans qui je n'aurais pas eu la possibilité de vous faire partager toutes ces nouvelles photos aussi vite. Merci encore!

On our way to the Grand Palace 2